
Picture this: a rising senior spends the summer in Argentina interning for a local nonprofit to help families that have children with autism lead a happier life; a 平面设计 major takes her skills across the Atlantic to spread the word about public projects in Germany; and an 环境研究 major spends her summer in Hong Kong interning at an innovation lab that raises awareness about climate change.

This was how three 浩博体育app students — 凯瑟琳Moronta, 凯蒂·格拉布 and 玛丽亚西蒙 — spent the summer of 2019 as participants of the prestigious 文化展望奖学金, a fully funded summer internship program designed for students who have been traditionally underrepresented in study or work abroad opportunities.

Susquehanna has one of the highest representations among Cultural Vistas Fellows and alumni. 凯瑟琳, 凯蒂和玛利亚占了15名学生的五分之一, 2019 cohort that spent eight weeks this summer completing professional internships and learning from the experience of living in Argentina, 德国或香港.


初中和 服务的领导者 凯瑟琳·莫龙塔在布宜诺斯艾利斯度过了她的夏天 BRINCAR这是一家支持自闭症儿童及其家庭的非营利组织.

“我负责撰写筹款呼吁书. Seeing how the work impacted the lives of children with autism and their happiness made me stay focused,莫伦塔说. “It made me realize how small efforts make an impact on the lives of special children.”

Moronta, 金融 来自费城的少校, tried to turn challenges of living in a new country into an opportunity to learn. “I would look at the bigger picture and try to push myself out of my comfort zone. 很快,我开始自己做决定,感觉很独立, 哪一个是伟大的成就,”她说。.

Moronta wants to use her experience in Argentina to bring communities closer together. She hopes to create a tool for freshmen 服务的领导者s at Susquehanna to help them seek opportunities abroad so they can experience different cultures, 看看这个世界,把世界上最好的东西带回来.

“Only by working together can we address challenges that we face together,”她说。. “团结是伟大的力量.”

Moronta打算让人们更紧密地联系在一起的下一个地方是古巴. 她最近 授予 a $2,000 scholarship to help fund a study abroad experience on the island nation this fall.




凯蒂·格拉布 凯蒂·格拉布,最右边


格拉布是一名大四学生,她整个夏天都在柏林的一家公司实习 Plane-Site, an organization that focuses on media and communications management for architects, 城市规划者, 设计师和建筑师. 在其他任务中, she assisted the team with design and communication projects by working on the design of press releases, 网络维护, 演讲和社交媒体帖子.

The experience increased Grubb’s belief in the power of design and how it helps convey messages in a busy world. She now wants to focus her design work on the field of entertainment and marketing, hoping to work on a project that showcases some of the best design work she did this summer with other students.

在柏林工作的基础上,格拉布 平面设计 科茨维尔的专业, 宾西法尼亚, hopes to “express to others the importance of spreading the word about public projects and petitions through effective marketing and content creation.”

In addition to providing her a foundation from which to launch a future career in media and communications, Grubb’s experience in Berlin enabled her to immerse herself in a new culture and gave her the opportunity to explore a new place every day.

“I have spent most of my life in one area and being in a city like Berlin gave me the opportunity to explore and discover,”她说。. “我会永远珍惜这一点.”




玛丽亚西蒙 玛丽亚西蒙


西蒙,大三学生 环境研究 布卢姆菲尔德专业, 新墨西哥, grew up in a family where elders spoke to youth with wisdom and guidance, 使用代代相传的教义. The teachings passed on by her elders opened her eyes to the importance of one’s role in the community and instilled in her a passion for civic engagement.

感谢文化展望奖学金, 西蒙有机会将这些教义付诸实践.

在香港,西蒙在 碳关怀创新实验室 where she was involved with communication and advocacy efforts that create awareness and contribute to solving global climate challenges. 通过数字媒体, she raised awareness about how climate change is affecting different cultures and how everyone has a role to play in creating a sustainable change.

“There are many signs that the Mother Earth is calling out to us and it is now time for us to respond,”她说。.

西蒙的暑期实习也产生了新的个人职业目标. 五年后, she hopes to be working with tribal nations and the government on implementing policies and regulations to protect the environment and lands sacred to Native American tribes.

“Seeing climate change affect coastal cities across the world has encouraged me to work on this issue and get global attention,”她说。. “这比以往任何时候都更重要.”